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contoh kalimat come to think of it

"come to think of it" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • No, come to think of it, it was a tree.
    Tidak, kalau dipikir-pikir itu, itu pohon.
  • Say, come to think of it, it was a silver mine.
    Setelah kupikir-pikir, itu tambang perak.
  • Come to think of it, she's Saiyan on one side, huh?
    dia juga salah 1 Saiya!
  • Come to think of it, Blade, I owe you one.
    Pikirkan, Blade, aku berhutang satu padamu.
  • Come to think of it, when Nuan and me first started,
    Come to think of it,
  • Come to think of it, 'the mute' is fortunate.
    Kalau dipikir-pikir, 'si bisu' adalah yang beruntung.
  • Come to think of it, you resemble this dog.
    Memikirkan hal itu, kau mirip anjing ini.
  • Come to think of it, weren't you two in bed together
    Kira-kira "Kalian Bisa Akur" ?
  • Come to think of it... he's no gentleman at all.
    Kalau dipikir-pikir... Dia tidak gentleman sama sekali.
  • Come to think of it, I believe I do.
    Kalau dipikir-pikir, aku percaya aku lakukan.
  • Come to think of it, you said so before.
    Tentang hal yang tadi kau tanyakan.
  • All those seeds did look alike, come to think of it.
    Semua benih tampak serupa, baru terpikirkan.
  • Come to think of it, I was pregnant with Aoi.
    Tidak, jika dia sudah meninggal.
  • Come to think of it I've had so much ass
    Ayo pikirkan itu aku ada banyak bokong
  • I'm starving. Come to think of it... let's go!
    lapar iya juga... ayo kita pergi!
  • Come to think of it, I haven't seen her since yesterday.
    Kupikir-pikir, aku tak melihatnya sejak kemarin.
  • Come to think of it, not unlike your brother, Dan.
    Coba pikirkan saja. ...tidak seperti kakakmu, Dan.
  • Well come to think of it I gotta go
    Aku baru ingat, aku harus pergi.
  • Actually, come to think of it, where is Toby?
    Sebenarnya, kalau dipikir-pikir itu, dimana Toby?
  • Wait a minute, come to think of it!
    Tunggu sebentar, tunggu sebentar. Jika dipikir-pikir!
  • lebih banyak contoh:   1  2  3